Sunday, January 14, 2007

One word

How would you define a typical software professional in one word?
Huh..? Ok , from the beginning.

There is this funny thing I saw on the office leave application.
Please avoid using characters like semicolon(;), greater than(>), less than(<), asterick(*), pipe(|) in the fields
and I was just wondering what kind of stuff they had to face for THAT to be there..
$> grep home contact* | cat > Contact_when_Off.txt ; \r - in contact field??

THAT wouldn't be pretty. :P

It was then that I faced the question.
How would you define a typical software professional in one word?

A person with limited social, but advanced technological skills and interests. - Close but not close enough.

one who eats (computer) bugs for a living, an asocial, malodorous, pasty-faced monomaniac with all the personality of a cheese grater. - That's more of an insult than a definition.

Well, I am bad at one word definitions I guess. I couldn't even get one for me, the closest one was 'Lazy' which is actually not bad. It atleast it explains why I don't post blogs frequently.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Hah, it's finally 2007.
I am not wishing new year to anyone now, it's way too late.

Hey I got my bike from Bangalore a few days back, now I tell myself
"Bachelors crave for only three things - Money, Bike and Girlfriend, you have one now. What are you going to aim for next?"
Nah, I am happy for now.

What's new in 2007?
Well I did take a resolution.
I will minimize my idle time. I will utilize my time for more constructive things and stop wasting it.
What constructive things?
I am not going to waste my time thinking about that. :P

My GTalk status message for many days has been
We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true. - Robert Wilensky
I had heard this before but hadn't understood it's essence until I became an active member of orkut and mylot.