Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Realist: Dude, what are you doing?
Optimist: What?
Realist: This is bad, could've been so much better
Optimist: Yeah
Realist: And that! You know what, you suck
Optimist: I know
Realist: Why don't you do something?
Optimist: Can't, no time
Realist: What do you mean no time?
Optimist: Busy.
Realist: Busy doing what?
Optimist: Other things.
Realist: And how are the other things?
Optimist: Not very good
Realist: See what I mean? A man who is truely busy never says he is
Optimist: I know
Realist: You know, you can easily forgive an ignorant idiot. But..
Optimist: Who asked for forgiveness
Realist: Arrogance without strength is futile. You know what happens when you build over a weak foundation
Optimist: It falls
Realist: Precisely, the higher you build the harder it falls
Optimist: Ok Mr.Know it all, what have you done?
Realist: Duh, I don't even exist!
Optimist: Damn it

Realist: Where are you going?
Optimist: To sleep, too much bullshit makes me sleepy..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Realist: This is bad, could've been so much better.
Dreamer::What exactly could have been better?
Realist: Why don't you just do something?
Dreamer::What exactly is something?
Realist::Anything which you like.
Dreamer::I dont know what i like....Wait i like dreaming..
Realist:: Thats such a L reply.
If you dont know then search for it.
Dreamer:: Where? What ? When ? How?
Realist:: Forget it. You will never be anything in life.
Dreamer: Anything.Be more precise.
Realist:: Argh! I am going to sleep. I need to get up early and go jogging tomorrow.